
Issue Title
Vol 8, No 3 (2023) Preschool teachers’ emotional intelligence and beliefs: Informing emotion socialization in the classroom Abstract  PDF
Susanne Denham
Vol 9, No 1 (2024) Emotional metaphors for an inclusive classroom climate Abstract  PDF
Pablo Herranz-Hernández, José Luis Fernández-Hernández, Laura Segovia-Torres
Vol 9, No 2 (2024) Exploring the influence of parenting competences on children’s emotional regulation and its relationship with classroom learning: A qualitative research study Abstract  PDF
Jesus Miguel Parra
Vol 9, No 6 (2024) Spiritual Intelligence, happiness and success of students in select higher education institutions of University of Delhi Abstract  PDF
Shivani Raheja, Renu Gupta, Gayatri Yadav
Vol 9, No 3 (2024) Emotional education: A critical review of the voices against its implementation in schools Abstract  PDF
Claudia Messina-Albarenque, Carmen de Andrés-Viloria, Gema de Pablo-González, Tamara Benito-Ambrona
Vol 9, No 9 (2024): Published The effect of entrepreneurial leadership on college students' creativity: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence Abstract  PDF
Yuan Gao, Kuan-Chun Bin TSAI
Vol 9, No 10 (2024): Published Language of emotions: Establishing connection with customers in tourism industries Abstract  PDF
Maricar P. Rellon
Vol 9, No 6 (2024) Impact of psychological capital on job satisfaction: Moderating role of perceived organizational support and emotional intelligence Abstract  PDF
Guannan Yao, Zuraina Dato’Mansor, Hazrina Binti Ghazali, Zhen Yan
Vol 9, No 9 (2024): Published Intervention in teaching as a means for developing emotional intelligence and positive thinking in 1st-year students in teacher education programmes Abstract  PDF
Valerijs Dombrovskis, Svetlana Guseva, Sergejs Capulis, Alona Korniseva
Vol 9, No 8 (2024): Published How are emotional intelligence, happiness and psychological well-being applied in counseling sessions to the community in Malaysia? Abstract  PDF
Nurshahira Ibrahim, Mohd Lokman Sapiee, Nurul Diyana Sanuddin, Tugba Erhan, Faridah Che Husain
Vol 9, No 10 (2024): Published Suicidal ideations: The role of emotional intelligence and hopelessness among police in Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Noor Azeiah Che Sat, Nor Ba’yah Abdul Kadir, Rusyda Helma Mohd, Hilwa Abdullah@Mohd Nor
Vol 9, No 8 (2024): Published Flexing the emotional muscle: Investigating how team reflexibility shapes performance via emotional intelligence Abstract  PDF
Lara Priyadharshini Sinnappan, Saranya Boopathi Prabhakaran, Ranchana Karunakaran, Arunadevi Kalaivani Chinnasamy, Ravikumar Gopal, Sathya Rajan, Rajesh Adangam Purath
Vol 9, No 7 (2024): Published Uskudar Emotional Wisdom Scale (USEWS) validity and reliability studies and examining psychometric properties Abstract  PDF
Nevzat Tarhan, Aylin Tutgun Ünal
Vol 9, No 12 (2024): Publishing The impact of psychological capital on academic burnout among vocational undergraduate college students:The mediating role of positive emotions Abstract  PDF
Li Wang, Congjin Miao, Jun Wang
Vol 9, No 10 (2024): Published The role of emotional intelligence in leadership development: A multiIndustry analysis of performance outcomes Abstract  PDF
Alka Singh Bhatt
Vol 9, No 1 (2024) Emotional intelligence and work engagement: The Moderating effect of work-related psychological impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Theresa Obuobisa-Darko, Ophelia Delali Dogbe-Zungbey, Frederick Frimpong, Evans Sokro
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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