Digital Transformation and Social Media Trends: Shaping the Future of Entrepreneurship, Consumer Engagement, and Digital Marketing Strategies
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, we find ourselves amidst a significant shift. The proliferation of digital technologies, coupled with the transformative impact of social media trends, is redefining the future of entrepreneurship and fundamentally changing how businesses interact with consumers. This era of digital transformation is more than just a technological trend; it is reshaping our economic structures, marketing strategies, and patterns of consumer engagement in profound ways.
The rise of digital technologies has presented unique opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs. It has revolutionized business models, disrupted traditional marketplaces, and created a new paradigm of consumer behavior and expectations. Likewise, the power of social media continues to transform marketing strategies, allowing businesses to engage with consumers on an unprecedented scale.
This special issue aims to delve into the dynamics of this digital revolution. We seek to shed light on how digital transformation and social media trends are shaping entrepreneurship and altering the landscape of consumer engagement and digital marketing strategies. We aim to present cutting-edge research that offers fresh insights into the ways in which these forces are reshaping our economic landscape.
In particular, we invite a diversity of submissions, including but not limited to, empirical research, theoretical discussions, reviews, critical commentaries, and meta-analyses. We welcome contributions from different disciplines that align with the thematic focus of this special issue.
We look forward to receiving your insightful contributions.
Dr. Rianmahardhika Sahid Budiharseno
Mr. Raden Johnny Hadi Raharjo
Mr. Yudiarto Perdana Putra
Dr. Endang Noerhartati
Guest Editors.