About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Environmental psychologists study focus on the relationship between the environment and behavior, thinking, or well-being (e.g., energy conservation, vandalism, activism, automobile use, recycling, water use). Regarding the definition of environment, we will be focusing on: 1) The natural environment that is the sum of various natural elements needed for human survival, is the material premise of human survival and development. Mainly including the composition of organic matter and inorganic composition of factors, human psychological phenomena affected by the natural environment, human psychological activities and natural activities have a great relationship. 2) The social environment that is human beings through a series of conscious activities formed by the environmental system, including the economic environment, political environment, infromational environment, educational environment, ethical environment, cultural environment and so on. 3) The physical environment that is independent of the existence of people in the environment, in addition to the natural environment factors also include man-made physical environment factors, such as interpersonal space, buildings, landscapes, urban planning and so on. 4) The psychological environment refers to the individuals or groups-environment interactions, i.e., perceived, understood, grasped, and created by the environment.

Key topics include:

  • Environment psychology
      Environmental perception
      Environmental behaviour
      Environmental design
  • Social psychology
      Social perception
      Social Behaviour
      Interpersonal Relationships
  • Environment and mental health
      Mental Health
      Coping mechanisms
      Emotions and the Environment
  • Sustainability and behavioral science
      Sustainable Development
      Behavioural change theory
      Social norms and environmental behaviour
  • Climate psychology
      Psychological impacts of climate change
      Behavioural responses
      Climate education
  • Interdisciplinary research
      Environment and social sciences
      Technology and psychology
      Culture and environment
  • Social Sciences(Health)
  • Developmental and Educational Psychology
      Learning, attention deficit and the environment
      Genderisation, child development and the social environment
  • Neurological and physiological psychology
      Depression and the environment
      Problem Solving and the Social Environment


Ethical Oversight

Arts and Science Press Pte. Ltd. strictly abides by the Core Practice and Ethical Oversight of COPE, and all the editorial process is based on the best practice in the ethics of scholarly publishing. The Editorial Office strictly screens the originality and authenticity of every submission, and once unethical behaviors is under suspicion including but not limited to plagiarism, dishonesty, and multiple submissions, the manuscript will not go through the next step.

Arts and Science Press Pte. Ltd. usually strictly suspects the ethical problem under COPE’s guidance. If subjects involve populations or animals, all the research process must comply with local or regular international guidelines in the research field, and authors will be asked to submit the necessary information of approval identifiers or granting committee such as reference numbers. Reviewers and EiC are experts of your interest field, and they will make the objective decision based on the normality, authenticity and academic value of your research. In case of necessity, Editorial Office will contact the granting committee for further verification. Editorial Office obtains the right to reject the submission without any reference information.

Human subjects have the right of privacy, and Editorial Office advocates hiding sensitive and identifiable information of subjects such as face pictures and identical information. Informed Content Statement whether oral or written must be obtained from all the subjects at the submitting stage. If subjects are vulnerable populations, the Informed Content Statement should be obtained from their guardian or kinsfolk. All the submissions are considered to be private, and the publisher promises not to disclose it to a third party except for the normal publishing process.

Article Processing Charges

The Article Processing Charges are meant to support the journal’s associated expenses. The publication fee for each manuscript accepted for publication is US $ 1700. Click here to make the payment

Environment and social psychology is an Open Access Journal under Arts and Science Press, All articles published in Environment and social psychology are accessible electronically from the journal website without the need for subscription fees or other forms of payment from the readers. In order to ensure our content is freely available for the benefit of a wider audience while uncompromising our journal quality, an Article Processing Charge (APC) is applicable to all authors who wish to submit their articles to the journal. The APC is intended to cover the underlying costs of article processing, such as peer-review, copyediting, typesetting, publishing, content depositing and archiving processes. Those charges are applicable only to authors whose manuscripts have been successfully accepted after peer-review.

At Arts and Science Press, we strongly believe that the APC should not become a barrier in the publication process. A range of discounts or waivers are offered to authors who are not able to cover the APC. Authors can write in to apply for a waiver and requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Waiver Policy

ESP is committed to promoting the academic development in the world without any financial barrier to knowledge sharing and learning. There has developed a waiver policy especially for authors from low-income countries. Authors who are interested in applying for a waiver could contact editorial_office@as-pub.com. ESP reserves the right to approve or reject a waiver application.

Special Issue Policy

Guest Editors are responsible for the proposal of Special Issues, and they work with journal editors throughout the editorial process. The Special Issue Program aims to increase the visibility and citations in a certain research community. There may be many different Special Issues with different interests in the related field.

Articles accepted in one of Special Issues will be published in the regular issues of the journal. That has broad benefits:

  • Earlier visibility and the vast majority of readers across the topics community.
  • Be cited by peers and get more citations.
  • Quickly learning about the current scientific research.

1. Ways to be a Guest Editor

  • Editorial staff will search and invite experts who have outstanding achievements in the certain field. Usually, it will be a group of Guest Editors to drive a Special Issue. The group members are usually invited by the leader of Guest Editors.
  • Readers or authors who have good topics could submit proposals to editorial_office@as-pub.com. EiC or Senior Editors will evaluate the value of the proposal. If the proposal is accepted, the submitter will serve as Guest Editor of the Special Issue. Editors will cooperate to promote the development of Special Issues.

A Special Issue should include the title, keywords, introduction of the Special Issue, Guest Editors with E-mail, and submission deadline. Usually, the summary of a Special Issue should be provided by Guest Editors. The Editorial Office will make a flyer for further advertising.

2. Special Issue Ethics

Arts and Science Press Pte. Ltd. strictly abides by the  Core Practices of COPE. All the new submissions will go through a double blind peer-reviewed process. Authors should provide a list of experts who should be excluded from peer review. The editorial process should comply with the Editorial Policies of this journal. If there is any potential conflict of interest, reviewers or editors should inform the Editorial Office and avoid the whole review process. In the event of unethical behaviors during the editorial process including but not limited to plagiarism, fabrication, citation manipulation, and authorship misconduct, please do not hesitate to contact editorial_office@as-pub.com.

3. Workflow of a Special Issue

A new submission should be submitted through the open journal system. Guest Editors (GE) will check the relevance between the new manuscript and the scope of one of the Special Issues. Then, editorial staff will screen the originality of the new submission by iThenticate. Any manuscript without enough originality may be rejected. The Editorial Office will assign the new submission to GE or reviewers for further review comments. A strict double blind peer-reviewed process with no less than two reviewers is implemented. GE have the responsibility to oversight the whole editorial process. All the comments are collected to GE, who will make the final decision on whether it is accepted, rejected, or should be revised. Once the manuscript is accepted, the author(s) will be informed and the manuscript will go through the production stage. It will be archived in the current volume/issue with marked in a collection of the Special Issue.

Contact: editorial_office@as-pub.com