Wellbeing and Sustainability: Exploring Avenues for Environmental and Social Psychology

Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
Sustainability and wellbeing are two important global policy priorities that are almost always separated, despite their significant overlap. While awareness of the environment and nature is still in its infancy, the significance of social dimensions in wellbeing is an emerging conclusion (Mahony, 2022). Well-being in sustainability is still ill-defined. Dodds (1997) emphasized the significance of comprehending the connection between sustainability and well-being; integration has only drawn more attention in the past ten years as discussed in the literature. In practice, however, a persistent ambiguity runs the risk of undermining both objectives, even with some procedural advantages; for this reason, better conceptual integration is required.
This Special Issue titled “Wellbeing and Sustainability: Exploring avenues for environmental and social psychology” focuses on the current state of knowledge on well-being and sustainability, on practical implications for wellbeing and sustainability measures and sustainability and health-promoting actions, and on interdisciplinary collaborations between services to promote wellbeing and sustainability. We welcome a diversity of articles, such as conceptual and empirical articles, reviews, critical comments, and meta-analyses, for submission to this Special Issue. We will accept manuscripts from different disciplines, addressing topics related to the scope.
Dr. Teena Bharti
Dr. Satish Chandra Ojha
Guest Editors