Environment and Social Psychology

Temporal Leadership and Team Innovation Performance

Submission deadline: 2024-04-30
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

The increasing market competition and changing customer demands have widely compelled businesses to achieve innovative performance by meeting imminent deadlines. Today, temporal leadership, a unique model, has directed the management's attention toward understanding time management and team innovativeness. Temporal leadership increases teams’ knowledge, experience, learning, and innovation abilities. It helps the members to develop and achieve the goal of innovation, encompassing time and change management.

As a significant element of managing team activities and resources, temporal leadership excelling in rising capital has brought considerable improvement in business functions. This novel perspective has encouraged leaders to stretch their expertise beyond team innovation to organizational knowledge sharing, change management, and organizational success. However, besides having numerous benefits, many obstacles in coordinating tasks and time still require strong leadership abilities to deal with complexities. Therefore, to untangle the critical issues and opportunities in the process of temporal leadership, this prospect is a significant one. Since this strategic notion identifies the dynamic of the complex environment to improve team innovation performance, the impact of temporal leadership cannot be ignored. 

Hence, in this regard, this special issue calls the researchers to explore the role of temporal leadership and team innovation performance from different perspectives. It devotes wide attention to the antecedents and consequences of temporal leadership. It helps the management to deal with the changing business demand and time-related challenges. It invites researchers’ scholars, and professionals to submit their theoretical and empirical findings against this call. We suggest an increased emphasis on the theme. The headings may include the following but are not limited to these only:

Temporal leadership towards Team Innovation;

Opportunities and Challenges in Temporal Leadership;

The New Time Perspective- Temporal Leadership and Change Management;

Team Temporal Leadership and Innovative Climate and Work Performance;

Temporal Leadership Practices, Time Urgency, and Team Innovation;

Temporal Leadership Style, Team Diversity, and Sustainable Knowledge Sharing.

Prof. Dr. Muddassar Sarfraz

Guest Editor


Change Management; Knowledge Sharing; Organizational Culture; Innovation Management; Leadership Styles; Temporal Alignment; Team Innovation Performance

Published Paper