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Research on Optimizing National Mental Health Literacy from the Perspective of Health in China: Significance and Approach

Qiang Li, Xiaowei Wei, Hongkun Zhai

Article ID: 1380
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2021, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1444 (Abstract) 380 (PDF)


Improving the level of national mental health and strengthening the construction of social psychological service system are the necessary and important ways to promote the implementation of the Healthy China strategy. However, the gap between the requirements of Healthy China strategy for social mental health service system and the current situation of mental health service in China is still widespread. Promoting the public to form an effective demand for psychological help and establishing a new mental health service model is the key to bridge this gap. Optimizing mental health literacy is an important starting point and breakthrough to solve this problem. At present, the research on mental health literacy is undergoing a transformation from the paradigm of psycho-epidemiology to the paradigm of psychology and sociology. Taking contemporary China as the background, the reconceptualization of mental health literacy and the exploration of the current situation of Chinese mental health literacy in the new era is one of the core task of current psychological path research. The significance of this study is mainly reflected in: (1) promote the formation of effective demand for help and improve the level of public mental health; (2) enhance cultural selfconfidence and construct the theory of mental health literacy of contemporary Chinese people; (3) guide the supply side structural reform of mental health services and promote mental health equity; (4) reduce the burden of mental illness and help build a well-off society in an all-round way; (5) help build a social and psychological service system.


Mental health literacy; Healthy China strategy; Social psychological service system; Mental health; Mental health services

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