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The Balance Between Resource Development And Environmental Protection Is “Social Contracting”: The Case Of LAPSSET Project In Kenya

Francis Onditi

Article ID: 597
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2021, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 6847 (Abstract) 176 (PDF)


The LAPSSET project is a mega undertaking with heavy investment. Like any other public infrastructure depends entirely on fund availability and proactive involvement of respective governments, particularly Kenya, given its role as the base of the port in Manda. Unfortunately, the mind-set in the region are fixated to believe that hegemonic tendencies of Kenya will divert the initial idea of connecting Africa. Moreover, given the high costs involved compared to most country’s GDP in the region, cooperation with other sub-regions beyond Eastern Africa is indispensable. This article assess the feasibility of the LAPSSET project within the regional political dynamics. 


LAPSSET; Kenya; social contracting; Gross Domestic Product

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1. Interview with Mr. Masheti Masinjila, Chair, Civil Society Organizations, Kenyan chapter, February 1, 2016

2. Interview with the Pastoralist Development Network Kenya (PDNK) Official in Mombasa, February 2, 2016

3. Interview with Senior Sub-Chief of Hindi area, Mr. Laus, February 5, 2016

4. Interview with Mr. Peter Waweru, a youth in Hindi area of Lamu, February 5, 2016

5. Interview with Mr. Robert Nganga resident of Lamu and land owner, February 5, 2016

6. Interview with Mr. Mohamed Hassan resident of Lamu and land owner, February 5, 2016

7. Interview with Mr. Johnson Leo, resident of Lamu and land owner, February 4, 2016

8. See Andrian J. Browne, “LAPSSET: The history and politics of an eastern Africa megaproject.” Rift Valley Forum, Rift Valley Institute, 2015

9. See Government of Kenya, 2nd Transport and economic corridor-LAPSSET. Ministry of Transport, 8th October, 2011

10. See Government of Kenya, LAPSSET corridor new Lamu Port: Feasibility study and master plan report, May 2011

11. See Government of Kenya, LAPSSET corridor development authority; Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia transport (LAPSSET) corridor project; Building Africa’s transformative and game changer infrastructure to deliver a just and prosperous Kenya. UK Investment Conference, London, 3rd December, 2013

12. See Government of Kenya, African socialism and its application to planning in Kenya: Sessional Paper No. 10 of 1965

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