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The Ought-to-be and to-be of the Construction of Social Psychological Service System: Based on the Evaluation of 12 Pilot Areas in China

Liping Chi, Ziqiang Xin

Article ID: 1383
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2020, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 492 (Abstract) 240 (PDF)


The construction of social psychological service system is an important measure to innovate social governance in China, which aims to solve the problems of social mentality cultivation and psychological construction. However, whether the “meaning of oughtness” of this concept can be implemented in the construction practice all over the country remains to be discussed. This study collected the network text data of the actual work situation in 12 pilot areas of social psychological service system construction in China, and coded the data according to 6 primary indicators such as organizational structure and work mode and 23 secondary indicators under them to describe the “actual situation” of construction in various places. The text analysis results show that: (1) the content orientation of the construction of social psychological service system in each pilot area has a serious tendency of “mental health”; (2) on the whole, psychosocial services only focus on “risk prevention and control”; (3) the relationship between social psychological service and social governance is misplaced. In short, there is a big gap between the “actual situation” and “meaning of oughtness” of the construction of social psychological service system all over the country.


Social psychological; Service social governance; Mental health service; Text analysis

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