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Relationship of Family Environment, Psychological Resilience, Campus Bullying with Tobacco Use among Preadolescents
Rui Guo
School of Public Health and Management, Youjiang Nationality Medical College
Guozhen Chen
School of Public Health and Management, Youjiang Nationality Medical College
Nianshuang He
School of Basic Medical Science, Youjiang Nationality Medical College
Qiwei Wang
School of Public Health and Management, Youjiang Nationality Medical College
Shusong Deng
School of Public Health and Management, Youjiang Nationality Medical College
Keywords: Family environment, Mental resilience, School bullying, Tobacco, Preadolescents
Objective. To explore the relationship between family environment, psychological resilience, campus bullying and tobacco use in early adolescence. Methods. According to the principle of cluster sampling, 4,792 students from grade 4 to grade 6 in five primary schools in Baise City and county were selected from February to November 2018, including 2,522 males (52.63%), 2,236 females (46.66%)and 34 missing genders (0.71%); the average age was (11.8 ± 0.5) years; 2,721 students in urban areas (56.78%) and 2,071 students in county towns (43.22%); 4,313 Zhuang (90.00%), 365 Han (7.62%), 98 other ethnic groups (Yao, Miao, Yi, etc.) (2.05%). The General Family Environment Questionnaire, Adolescent Mental Resilience Scale, School Bullying Questionnaire, and Tobacco Use Questionnaire were used for evaluation, and logistic regression was used to analyze the effect relationship between the study variables. Results. 467 people tried to smoke, and the total detection rate was 9.75%. The number of smokers was 334, and the total detection rate was 6.97%. Boys’ tobacco attempt and smoking behavior were higher than girls (χ2 were 57.230 and 56.013, P < 0. 001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of tobacco attempt of boys was 2.37 times thanthat of girls (OR = 0.468, 95% CI 0.377 ~ 0.582), the risk of smoking in boys is 2.5 times that in girls 32 times (OR = 0.422, 95% CI 0.324 ~ 0.551); older adolescents had more tobacco attempts (OR = 1.609, 95% CI 1.446 ~ 1.791)and smoking behavior (OR = 2.026, 95% CI 1.776 ~ 2.310); campus bullying increased the risk of smoking behavior among adolescents (OR = 1.106, 95% CI 1.073 ~ 1.140). Psychological resilience (personal strength), family intimacy and family rules can effectively reduce the risk of adolescent tobacco attempts (personal strength, OR = 0.964, 95% CI = 0.951 ~ 0.976; family intimacy, OR = 0.946, 95% CI 0.892 ~ 0.984; family rules, OR = 0.949, 95% CI 0.930 ~ 0.965) and smoking behavior (personal strength, OR = 0.962, 95% CI 0.947 ~ 0.977; family intimacy, OR = 0.937, 95% CI 0.885 ~ 0.992; family rules, OR = 0.952, 95% CI 0.932 ~ 0.973). Conclusion. Campus bullying increases the risk of smoking behavior among adolescents. Psychological resilience (personal strength), family intimacy and family rules can effectively reduce teenagers’ tobacco attempts and smoking behavior.References
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