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The Influence of Family Social Class on Career Choice: From the Perspective of Social Cognition
Jinyun Duan
School of Education Soochow University
Xiaoyun Ren
School of Education Soochow University
Wenjie Luo
School of Education Soochow University
Xiaoming Tian
School of Education, Suzhou University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Family social class, Career choice, Social stratum cognitive theory, Self-construal, Individualism and collectivism values
Based on the cognitive theory of social stratum, this paper discusses the influence of family social stratum on self-concern and others’ concern career choice, as well as its mechanism and boundary conditions. Through questionnaire method (Study 1)and experimental method (Study 2), the results show that family social class is positively correlated with ego-focused occupations and negatively correlated with others concerned occupations; independent self-construal plays a mediating role between family social stratum and ego-focused occupation, while interdependent self-construal plays a mediating role between family social stratum and other concerned occupation; individual and collectivist values regulate the family social class by predicting the indirect effect of career choice through self-construal.
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