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Research on the Relationship between Media Publicity and Green Consumption Behavior—Based on Social Cognitive Theory

Li Zhao, Jianxin Sun

Article ID: 1389
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2019, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 741 (Abstract) 496 (PDF)


Based on the social cognitive theory, this paper studies the relationship mechanism between media publicity and green consumption behavior through multiple regression analysis, and explores the intermediary role of self-efficacy and personal outcome expectation between media publicity and green consumption behavior. The empirical test results show that the traditional media has no significant impact on consumers’ green consumption behavior, and the new media has a positive impact on consumers’ green consumption behavior. At the same time, self-efficacy and personal outcome expectation play a complete intermediary role in the relationship between traditional media and green consumption behavior, and play a partial intermediary role in the relationship between new media and green consumption behavior.


New media; Traditional media; Multiple regression analysis; Green consumption behavior; Social cognitive theory

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