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Study on the “Social-Psychological” Mechanism of Farmers from Environmental Resistance to Collective Silence
Jinjun Zhang
College of History and Society, Anhui Normal University
Keywords: Environmental resistance, Collective silence, Violent punishment, Persuasive discipline, Imitative submission
Based on the relevant research results of academic circles and the case data of farmers’ environmental resistance in 8 villages in Guangdong Province, Anhui Province and Shaanxi Province, this paper analyzes the causes, initiators, subjects, methods and failure results of farmers’ environmental resistance. The study found that farmers’ environmental resistance is generally affected by environmental rights awareness, health risk concerns, economic interest needs, inner dissatisfaction and considerations of the continuation of village lineage, but it is different from place to place. The initiators of farmers’ environmental struggle are mainly middle-aged men or the elderly, and the main body is the elderly and women; the main ways are self-relief for environmental protection, seeking help from the media and environmental letters and visits. Generally speaking, the environmental resistance of these farmers has failed. The combined effect of the three “social-psychological” mechanisms of violent punishment, persuasive discipline and imitative obedience has led to the transformation of farmers from environmental resistance to collective silence to a great extent.
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