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The Relationship between Group Identity and Individual Mental Health: Regulating Variables and Mechanism

Qing Wang, Guoliang Yu

Article ID: 1393
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2021, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 438 (Abstract) 299 (PDF)


In recent years, the relationship between group identity and individual mental health has attracted the attention of researchers. Through combing and summarizing the relevant literature, this study found that: the number of group identity has a significant relationship with individual mental health; the relationship between group identity and individual mental health is regulated by group identity motivation and individual evaluation of the group, and depends on the mediation of self-esteem, social support, control perception, attribution style and other factors; in the future, we should use a variety of methods to continue to study the regulatory variables and mechanism of the relationship between group identity and individual mental health.


Group identity; Mental health; Moderator; Mechanism of action

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