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Analysis on Influencing Factors of Adolescents’ Physical Activity from the Perspective of Social Cognitive Theory
Jianxiu Liu
Sports Department, Tsinghua University
Borui Shang
Department of sports human science, Hebei Institute of Physical Education
Yi Yin
Sports Department, Tsinghua University
Ming Yang
Sports Department, Tsinghua University
Muchuan Zeng
Sports Department, Tsinghua University
Yao Zhang
Sports Department, Tsinghua University
Xindong Ma
Sports Department, Tsinghua University
Keywords: Social cognitive theory, Physical activity, Teenagers, Influencing factors, Systematic overview, Meta-analysis
Abstract: Objective: To make a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature on the influencing factors of adolescent physical activity from the perspective of social cognitive theory (SCT) model. Methods: the databases at home and abroad were searched, and 18 literatures meeting the requirements were included. The effect quantities were combined by Stata 15.0 software and analyzed by subgroup. Results: (1) SCT model could predict physical activity in a moderate degree (R2 = 17%, P < 0.01, z = 7.59). (2) Meta-analysis of the literature including self-efficacy, barrier self-efficacy, social support and social status showed that these factors were significantly correlated with physical activity (N ≥ 75%). (3) Influenced by different regions, gender and statistical methods, there are heterogeneity among the research results. Conclusion: SCT model can predict adolescent physical activity to a moderate extent; self efficacy, barriers self-efficacy, social support and social status are the key indicators to predict physical activity; affected by different regions, gender and cultural environment, the prediction results of SCT model on adolescent physical activity are different.
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