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Multi Perspective Reflection and Integration Construction Strategy of Social Psychological Service System

Liang Huang, Wei Qi, Shijin Sun

Article ID: 1396
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2020, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 519 (Abstract) 348 (PDF)


Social psychological service system is complex, and the construction of social psychological service system is a complex systematic project. From the perspective of history, management, philosophy, society and psychology, social psychological service is not only the inevitable result of the further development of mental health education, but also the practical needs of social governance. In the final analysis, it is a practical activity based on people, for people and serving people. It should not only take into account the complex society and people’s social attributes, but also follow the general principles of psychology. Social psychological services are not equal to mental health services, social risk prevention and control or psychological counseling services. They are more than eliminating psychological problems, and the service cannot rely too much on psychological professionals. The scientific construction of social psychological service system needs an all-round integration from the aspects of concept, mechanism, resources, content and ways, so as to better serve people and society.


Mental health; Social mentality; Social governance; Social psychological service; Social psychological service system

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