On the Digital Age from Humanistic Psychology
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2022, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 775 (Abstract) 807 (PDF)
Facing the digital age, mankind is facing new nodes in the social and psychological fields. The emergence of Internet addiction, depression associated with excessive use of equipment and the loss of real space conducive to increasing virtuality, coupled with the depletion of natural resources, have warned about health and lifestyle in society. Fast and direct life seems to place people in new spaces, and the impact of these spaces is still beyond the knowledge of social science. It is here that humanistic psychology, which officially appeared in 1961, can give us a more humanized face. Returning to human experience, emotion, personal values and sense of self-realization can lay a foundation for new thinking to reveal current problems. That is why the purpose of this work is to point out some problems in the digital age and then teach them the views provided by humanistic psychology in order to revitalize efforts to achieve a healthier life among individuals and in the environment.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18063/esp.v7.i1.1401
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Copyright (c) 2022 Héctor Hernández-Peña, Mario Lagomarsino-Montoya, Guillermo Aguirre-Martínez, Juan Mansilla-Sepúlveda, Juan Guillermo Estay-Sepúlveda, Francisco Ganga-Contreras

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