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An analysis of online reputation at integrated resort in Macao—Evidence from the survey of customer online review

Mengying Tang, Xiaobin Zhang, Jue Wang, Hak-Seon Kim

Article ID: 1517
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 909 (Abstract) 432 (PDF)


Integrated resorts, an important business card for Macao’s tourism industry, has attracted many tourists and become an important economic pillar. Customer reviews posted on the Internet are an important reflection of the online reputation of integrated resorts and can directly affect performance. Thus, integrated resort operators and destination managers need to develop business strategies by knowing key influencing factors in online reputation of Macao’s integrated resorts. In this study, 13,282 customer reviews were collected from the top five Macao integrated resorts in terms of number of reviews on Google Travel. Through cluster analysis, nighty-nine keywords with the highest frequency were divided into four clusters: “entertainment”, “experience”, “facilities”, and “atmosphere”. The results of factor analysis classified fifteen keywords into four groups: “consumption”, “room service”, “transportation”, and “entertainment”. Finally, the results of the linear regression analysis indicated that “consumption”, “room service”, and “entertainment” had a significant positive effect on online reputation, while “transportation” had a non-significant negative effect. This study enriches the research on the online reputation of integrated resorts by using big data technology and puts forward decision-making suggestions to stakeholders on the key influencing factors in online reputation based on the data analysis results and the findings of related studies. 


integrated resort; online reputation; customer online review; text mining; semantic network analysis; Macao

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