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The attitudes of King Khalid University students towards the new learning system due to the current constraints of COVID-19 pandemic

Sabah Mohamed Abbas Hamza, Bahia Khalifa Ibrahim, Salah Edin Hassan El-Obeid, Nawal Salih Ahmed Balol, Richa Rastogi, Eyas G. Abdelraheem Osman, Abdalbasit Adam Mariod

Article ID: 1554
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 3241 (Abstract) 249 (PDF)


As a preventive measure against the danger presented by COVID, scholastic establishments everywhere in the world have been compelled to totally suspend eye-to-eye instruction, including labs and other learning exercises. Various activities have been dispatched by advanced education suppliers in the realm of Saudi Arabia and in King Khalid University, to present virtual learning joined by a quick change of the educational program. Virtual learning is more helpful since it can provide a dynamic and enthusiastic air for learning. The meaning of virtual learning including its usage, evaluation and significant exploration articles is investigated in this research paper. This research paper expects to explore the mentalities and views of college understudies on the utilization of virtual learning instruments in the English Department at Dhahran Al-Janoub College at King Khalid University. The information was gathered via a questionnaire that was distributed randomly among undergraduate female students in the college. It was responded by 33 students. Items of the questionnaire were designed quantitatively. The organized inquiries estimated the emotional reactions to explain the target reactions and simultaneously, improve the definition of suggestions of the study. For example, network adjustment, recorded talk trade, and the actuation of communications were firmly connected to zones learners recorded for improvement. Additionally, the result of the study shows that the learning exercises of college understudies are huge, and relying upon the educators and innovation apparatuses utilized, the nature of cooperation will contrast. The study recommends making Blackboard more interactive when teaching courses in a blended mode by adding more features to its interface so as to promote the positive learning attitudes of the undergraduates.


virtual learning; COVID-19; pandemic; virtual learning apparatuses; understudies’ discernment; point of view; disposition

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Copyright (c) 2023 Sabah Mohamed Abbas Hamza, Bahia Khalifa Ibrahim, Salah Edin Hassan El-Obeid, Nawal Salih Ahmed Balol, Richa Rastogi, Eyas G. Abdelraheem Osman, Abdalbasit Adam Mariod

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