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A Systematic Review of Gamification as a Playful Strategy to Prevent Bullying
Yosra Achab Moukram
University of Jaén
Ana Manzano-León
University of Almería
José M. Rodríguez-Ferrer
University of Jaén
Javier Rodríguez-Moreno
University of Jaén
José M. Aguilar-Parra
University of Almería
Keywords: Systematic review, Gamification, Serious game, Bullying, Prevention
Playful learning is an educational method in which students experience fun and curiosity in an active context that is meaningful to them. Game-based learning, serious games, and gamification can be highlighted here. The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review of studies that have used gamified resources as a game-based strategy for bullying prevention. For this study, a search of several databases (Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Dialnet) was conducted. 606 studies were collected, of which 12 scientific studies were selected. Playful strategies are effective in identifying and processing different variables related to bullying. The use of playful strategies in the classroom has many benefits and several studies confirm that it is an effective method for raising awareness and preventing bullying.References
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