A comparative analysis of six national cultures under the umbrella of the Hofstede’s model
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 927 (Abstract) 634 (PDF)
The present study represents a comparative analysis between the national cultures of six countries: Tunisia, Germany, China, Mexico, Pakistan and the USA. The overall results of this analytical research indicated that in the light of the Hofstede’s model foundations, Tunisia, Pakistan and Mexico resemble each other to a great extent. Indeed, even if they are geographically far from each other and residing in three different continents, their corresponding national cultures based on religious values, social organization, and language seem similar. Conversely, Germany, China and the US share similar cultural features, even if China is known by its collectivism. Such findings offer cross cultural opportunities and challenges for business leaders and entrepreneurs who are willing to do business in these countries.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/esp.v9i3.1618
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