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Marketing strategies for mid-/low-end B&Bs in China: A SWOT analysis

Shuting Tao, Mengke Jia, Xiaoyu Jin

Article ID: 1619
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 548 (Abstract) 249 (PDF)


With the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the promotion of the sharing economy, the boom of the domestic B&B industry has set off and the B&B industry has entered a period of explosive growth. The prosperity of the B&B market has attracted a large number of investors to invest and operate B&Bs, especially small-scale accommodations with low thresholds and small investments. Hence, such mid-/low-end B&Bs occupy the mainstream position in the B&Bs market. Therefore, there is a need to investigate this new phenomenon from different facets and perspectives in the commercial accommodation market, such as tourists, policymakers, community hosts, and stakeholders. Collectively, this study aimed at providing marketing strategies for the future development and expansion of mid-/low-end B&Bs in the Chinese domestic market by analyzing their Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) as well as SWOT matrix of SO, WO, ST, and WT.


mid-/low-end B&B; SWOT analysis; marketing strategies; sustainable development

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