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Language problems with phobia terms and LGBTQIA+ prejudices using the example of homophobia
Yannick Borkens
Charité; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Amelie Exner
Institut für Genetik, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Keywords: gender-neutral language, homophobia, homosexism, inclusive language, language
Communication is an elementary component of human coexistence. Thanks to our language, we can formulate thoughts and ideas and pass them on to others. However, with this also comes a certain responsibility. This article describes the concept of homophobia. For example, the UEFA Euro 2020 was minting by politics and protests about LGBTQIA+ rights as well as racism. There were both pro and contra protests and the concept of homophobia emerged as a big issue. That should be reason enough to revisit the term itself. The aim of this article is to explain why the term is already a problem in itself. The article reflects the opinion of the authors and are intended to simulate discussions.References
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