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Influence of executive functioning and emotional regulation on effective career choice

María Álvarez-Couto, Gema Pilar Sáez-Suanes

Article ID: 1672
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 266 (Abstract) 175 (PDF)


Although emotional management and executive functioning have been widely associated with effective decision making, not much attention has been paid to their role in vocational decision making. This study analyzed the relationship between insecurity in career choice, executive functioning, and emotion regulation in university students. Results show how executive dysfunction significantly predicted insecurity in vocational choice. Its mediating role between emotional management and the academic-vocational decision-making process was also confirmed. Our findings contribute to the understanding of vocational choice in youth and suggest the need to consider both variables in guidance programs, to prevent subsequent dissatisfaction with the vocational decision.


decision making; vocational guidance; career; choice executive functions; emotional regulation

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