The influence of work discipline, motivation, and compensation, on employee performance through competence at Health Centers
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2023, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 666 (Abstract) 446 (PDF)
The challenges and problems faced by Health Centers in Batam City include work discipline, motivation, compensation, competence, and employee performance. Due to these problems, it is necessary to conduct research entitled “The influence of work discipline, motivation, and compensation on employee performance through competence at Health Centers.” The models used are Structural Equation Model (SEM). In this research, the number of respondents was 127 respondents. This study’s sample was taken from a population of 186 respondents (census method). The research results were as such: determination variables like work discipline, motivation and compensation showed a positive and significant correlation to competence; determination variables like competence, work discipline, and motivation showed a positive and significant correlation to employee performance, whereas the determination variable of compensation showed no significant correlation to employee performance. Square multiple correlation to competence is 88.2% and to employee performance is 98.9%. All variables are determined to be significant except for the compensation variable. It is suggested that employee compensation needs to be increased so that the performance of Health Center employees increases.
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