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University faculty perceptions of online education: A systemic review of leadership and educational innovation

Derling José Mendoza Velazco, Elizeth Mayrene Flores Hinostroza, Luis Efren Rua Sanchez

Article ID: 1750
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 263 (Abstract) 159 (PDF)


The present study aims to evaluate the relationship between leadership and innovation in online education, focusing on the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí (FSBSUTM) during the first semester of 2023. The university is located in the Republic of Ecuador. The research was developed under a quantitative approach, using a Likert-type questionnaire. The population of interest was made up of teachers from the Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, with a total of 70 members. To select the sample, non-probabilistic participatory sampling was used. The statistical analysis focused on the study of correlations between variables, using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The results obtained indicate that stronger training and experience in educational innovation are positively related to the ability to overcome difficulties and promote the effective implementation of strategies in virtual education. It is concluded that university leaders face challenges in implementing online educational innovation. However, the importance of implementing effective leadership strategies and fostering a pro-innovation digital culture as a means of overcoming such difficulties is highlighted. These findings have significant implications for university leadership training and development, as well as for the promotion of educational innovation in virtual environments.


university education; training; educational innovation; leadership; online education

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