Caregivers caring for mentally disordered patients during pandemic and lockdown: A qualitative approach
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 320 (Abstract) 132 (PDF)
Backgound: During a pandemic, it is difficult for caregivers to provide support for mental disorders in the form of care for daily tasks because of the rules for keeping distance and complete PPE (personal protective equipment). This is what makes caregivers experience caring for patients with mental disorders during a pandemic many challenges and new things that must be known. Objective: Caregivers of persons with treating mental illness in Indonesia who were affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown are the focus of this research. Methods: Twenty-five people participated in using Colaizzi’s method of phenomenology research design. NVivo12 examined data from in-depth interviews and field notes, which were gathered by purposive sampling (QSR International). Results: Stress and work overload, health worsening physical fatigue, family legacy, care for the whole person, as a means of coping, communication has become more difficult. Conclusion: As a result, we discovered something new about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health caregivers. Caregivers of people with mental illness face difficulties in caring for patients during a pandemic, so it is important to pay attention to caregivers by making policies related to this.
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