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Main socio-psychological effects of pandemic on individuals’ well-being and life satisfaction

Amina Omrane, Soumya Mukherjee, Mrinal Kanti Das, Avik Chatterjee

Article ID: 1757
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 377 (Abstract) 210 (PDF)


In this era of uncertainty, the adverse impact of social ill-being brings forth dissatisfaction and discontentment in our life. Social peace gives us the required nourishment to yield a quality life. In this study, we made a modest attempt to assess to what extend the individuals’ life gets affected in these hours of post COVID-19 crisis. To understand the mental frame of individuals, we have adjudged the recourse to two key factors, i.e., digital illiteracy, communication crisis and social isolation, which might lead to dissatisfaction of life. Moreover, the present research assessed the degree of impact of social ill-being on the individuals’ life dissatisfaction. It gives us the provision to explore the mediating effect of higher stress on the association between social ill-being and life dissatisfaction. This honest attempt may help citizens and policymakers to get channelized, well-digitally equipped and prepared to come up with innovative solutions that serve to manage the curse of the COVID-19.


pandemic; social ill-being; stress; life dissatisfaction; digital illiteracy and communication crisis; social isolation

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