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A trip down memory lane: Sustaining collective memory through old shophouses in Jalan Mendaling Kajang, Selangor

S Sukri, NEN Sukhairy, AW Radzuan, NA Jabar, SW Hasbullah, MZM Zain, HY Hapiz, ASA Latef, Y Ibrahim

Article ID: 1809
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 148 (Abstract) 164 (PDF)


This research focuses on the adaptive reuse of old shophouses in Jalan Mendaling Kajang, Selangor. The city’s modern development has caused some old shophouses to be abandoned and demolished. Some of them have been renovated to lose their heritage value. This study aims to understand the form of adaptive reuse of shophouses in Jalan Mendaling Kajang and to measure the community’s perception of the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings in preserving their collective memory through heritage values, a sense of belongingness, and sustainability. This study used a mixed-method approach, combining a qualitative and quantitative analysis to provide research rigour. The quantitative data collection was conducted through a survey in the form of questionnaires given randomly to 386 respondents. The sampling selection was determined using Krecjie Morgan’s table. Meanwhile, the qualitative data collection involves an interview session with several informants from the professionals of Kajang Municipal Council, the premises owners, and the local community. Direct observation of shophouses in Jalan Mendaling Kajang was also conducted. In the meantime, the qualitative data were analysed using six steps thematic analysis by Clarke and Braun, whereas the quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) using descriptive analysis. The result highlights the role of the old shophouses in preserving the community’s collective memories of the past, which evokes their sense of identity and belongingness and eventually promotes heritage sustainability. This research contributes as a reference for the adaptive reuse of old shophouses in preserving and conserving old shophouses in the future in connecting the community’s identities and sense of belongingness through collective memories of the past.


adaptive reuse; collective memory; old shophouses; sustainable heritage management; sense of belonging

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