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Levels of physical activity in childhood. Analysis of Family influence, gender, type of school and place of residence

Oliver Ramos-Álvarez, Ana Vieites Lois, Víctor Arufe-Giráldez

Article ID: 1815
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 285 (Abstract) 134 (PDF)


This paper pretends to investigate the effectiveness of distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic time. Its objective was to analyze variables that impacted the results of emergency distance education, the challenges that arise for teacher training and comprehensive and inclusive education during and after pandemic periods. It corresponds to a documentary investigation, uses qualitative content analysis, and is framed in a stage of initial results on peer-reviewed academic articles from the Web of Science and websites of institutions relevant to the topic studied. The total sample was 70 articles. The results identify variables mostly studied in the scientific literature that affected distance learning, related to socio-emotional, motivational, self-regulation and executive skills of the students, along with those coming from particular family and social contexts and the organization of schools. It is expected that the conclusions will contribute to educational policy decisions on teacher training and intersectoral actions to face future emergencies that involve school closures and constitute a set of evidence of the main barriers and facilitators of educational work in a period of health emergency available to the educational community, useful for the design of improvements in educational quality for the diversity of students in different scenarios.


childhood; physical activity; health; family; sedentary lifestyle

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Copyright (c) 2023 Oliver Ramos-Álvarez, Ana Vieites Lois, Víctor Arufe-Giráldez

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