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Psychodrama and eco-anxiety—A case study

Paolo Raile

Article ID: 1910
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1292 (Abstract) 213 (PDF)


A case study is used to illustrate the treatment of a patient with eco-anxiety in a psychodramatic session. The subject is a 26-year-old male, suffering from a severe form of eco-anxiety. Through psychodrama, patients can better understand themselves and repressed psychological content, learn, and find new creative ways to cope with eco-anxiety. The case study shows that psychodrama helps to view anxiety in an externalized subject in a more detached way, to gain new insights into how to deal with it. Psychodrama improved the patient’s quality of life and helped him to cope in everyday life again.


eco-anxiety; psychodrama; coping; creativity; case study

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