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The relationship between management of facilities and tenants’ satisfaction towards retirement homes: An exploratory study

K. Sarojani Devi Krishnan, Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani

Article ID: 1928
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 249 (Abstract) 168 (PDF)


This paper intends to explore whether there exists any relationship between management of facilities and tenants’ satisfaction towards retirement homes in Malaysia. A set of questionnaire was administered to 400 tenants of retirement homes in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, and Kelantan and only 205 complete questionnaires were used for the study. The questionnaire consists of six items on management of facilities with a high reliability value of α = 0.93; and eight items on tenants’ satisfaction with a high reliability value of α = 0.91. The results from Pearson correlation analysis show that there is a strong, positive and significant relationship between management of facilities and tenants’ satisfaction towards retirement homes. The respondents agreed with the items on efficient management of facilities which are collaborations with NGOs in providing transport and medical assistance, creating awareness of these collaborations, availability of food bank supply, an integrated database, effective management of activity space, collaboration with public professional healthcare and skilled social volunteers. As for tenants’ satisfaction, the tenants agreed with the items which include an increase in the number of retirement home tenants, availability of health screening equipment, high quality food and facilities, and skilled caretakers, retirement homes equipped with internet facilities, and happy with activities conducted. Hence, the findings show that the management of facilities in retirement homes has a direct relationship with tenants’ satisfaction towards these retirement homes.


ageing; collaboration; happiness; NGOs; skilled

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