Binary options trading: A deep dive into user perspective and satisfaction
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 282 (Abstract) 202 (PDF)
This study delves into the realm of binary options trading, a high-risk investment strategy, through the lens of user perspectives and satisfaction with the Binomo app. Binary options trading, characterized by its simplicity and potential for high returns, has seen a surge in popularity with the advent of online trading platforms. However, it also carries significant risks and legal implications. Through an analysis of 14,341 reviews of the Binomo app, this research uncovers key areas of user concern and interest, including aspects related to money, time, trading, and app functionality. The study reveals a prevalence of negative sentiments, highlighting potential issues of fraud, withdrawal problems, and overall dissatisfaction. Despite the high rating, the study underscores the need for prospective traders to understand the inherent risks and legal implications of binary options trading. The findings provide valuable insights for improving user experience, enhancing transparency and security, and fostering trust among users.
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