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Spiritual Intelligence, happiness and success of students in select higher education institutions of University of Delhi

Shivani Raheja, Renu Gupta, Gayatri Yadav

Article ID: 1984
Vol 9, Issue 6, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1432 (Abstract) 470 (PDF)


Research background: Spiritual Intelligence (SI), often quoted as Spiritual Quotient (SQ) by some, means becoming aware of (realising) and expressing one’s innate spiritual qualities (love, peace, bliss, and purity) through cognitive thinking, attitude, and behaviour. Once we are aware of the true purpose of our being in the universe, our spiritual qualities help us in drawing spiritual strength to remain stable in all situations (Emotional Intelligence), be neutral towards negativity, truly understand others, and be at peace with not just one’s own self but with others and the world at large. When Spiritual Intelligence is applied in the workplace setting, it helps in aligning personal values with a clear sense of purpose, enhancing our power to accept change and adapt to newer perspectives in life. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence, happiness and academic achievement among the students of University of Delhi. In this paper, an attempt has been made to understand the predominant factors strengthening spiritual intelligence and to critically evaluate the relationship between students’ spiritual intelligence, happiness, and academic achievement. Research methodology: Responses of 240 students at the undergraduate level from different colleges under the University of Delhi were studied to find out their level of spiritual intelligence, happiness and academic intelligence. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, SISRI-24 Spiritual Intelligence Measurement Scale of D. King, and a self-designed Questionnaire known as Academic Achievement Assessment Tool for assessing the Academic Intelligence of the students were used by the authors as the data gathering tools. Findings/results: The results indicate that the Spiritual Intelligence and Happiness of the students are positively and significantly related to one another on both an overall basis and also in the case of males and females specifically at 1% significance level. However, this association was found to be more prominent for female students. Originality/value/novelty: The study offers future directions and implications for higher education practitioners. It also suggests that Spiritual Intelligence would be beneficial for the students as it increases their psychological well-being and for the betterment of the global society as a whole.


spiritual intelligence; spiritual quotient; emotional intelligence; happiness; academic achievement; higher education institutions; University of Delhi

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