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The mediating role of customer satisfaction for a sustainable e-banking performance
Sonali Mohapatra
Department of Commerce, KIIT Deemed to be University
Arya Kumar
Department of Commerce, KIIT Deemed to be University
T. Shirmila
Department of Commerce, Madras Christian College
Aruna Dev Rroy
Royal School of Commerce, Royal Global University
Sweta Leena Hota
Department of Commerce, KIIT Deemed to be University
Keywords: e-banking, customer satisfaction, reliability, retention, service quality
Information and communication technologies have created a revolution in the approach of companies and customers. Digitalisation has led to the adoption of Electronic Banking worldwide befitting not only the user but also the banking industry. In this study primary data was collected from 374 participants using stratified random sampling. Using Smart PLS3 (Christian M.Ringle, Germany) and Structure Equation Modelling fitness of the model and reliability were derived, and this study has revealed that customer satisfaction affects retention which is directly influenced by efficiency, quality of service and reliability. It has revealed that for retaining customers when the mediator used is customer satisfaction, there is a significant impact of reliability, efficiency and service quality. Through these researches E-banking’s four main components, that is, reliability of services, the quality of services rendered, satisfaction of customers and efficiency has been specified.
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