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Impact of COVID-19 on education, social life, and mental health to university population in Albania: A cross-sectional survey

Gjergji Koja, Erjona Abazaj

Article ID: 1988
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2023, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 425 (Abstract) 147 (PDF)


The outbreak of COVID-19 affected the lives of all sections of society and caused serious implications for mental health. The aimed study was to investigate and analyzed the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the life of students. This cross-sectional survey was conducted from October - December 2020 on 472 students. We prepared the questionnaire addressing some factors such as demographic, education, social life, and mental health. The p < 0.05 was considered significant. The average age was 20.45, and 70% of participants were females. Approximately 23% of students referred to present problems with depression, fear, and anxiety during COVID-19. The mean value of PHQ9 resulted in the moderate range while the mean GAD7 score was in the mild range. In females, 61% are more likely to be affected by mental health during this worldwide pandemic compared to males 39%. The findings of this study identify mild levels of anxiety and depression in students. These mental health levels were related to a combination of pandemic-related stresses and limitations caused by the lockdown, negative impact on social life, poor social communication, and disturbed sleep habits. However, we strongly recommend providing students support by academics and stakeholders to reduce the likelihood of longer-term problems.


COVID-19; students mental health; education

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