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Sustainability of banking professionals through the mediating role of employee engagement among organisational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction
Anwesweta Panigrahi
School of Social, Financial and Human Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University
Rupali Khaire
School of Commerce and Management, Sandip University
Swetaleena Hota
School of Social, Financial and Human Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University
Rashi Taggar
School of Business, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Arya Kumar
School of Social, Financial and Human Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University
Keywords: organisational citizenship behaviour, job satisfaction, employee engagement, banking sector, sustainability
In the dynamic banking industry, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and employee engagement are interconnected. The study on Indian public and private banks examines how these factors ensure long-term viability and global competitiveness. Employee engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) are studied. Job satisfaction and OCB are examined to see if employee engagement mediates. This study prompted the banking sector’s growing awareness of the need to retain and satisfy employees and customers for profitability and stability. To achieve these goals, you must understand these variables’ complex relationships. A sample of 234 Indian public and private bank employees represents the banking workforce. The cross-sectional quantitative study used structured questionnaires. Statistical analysis was rigorous with Smart PLS 3 and structural equation modelling (SEM). Job satisfaction affects OCB and employee engagement. Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship are mediated by employee engagement. This novel study empirically examines the complex relationships between these banking industry factors. This study can help bank managers and policymakers retain customers and improve organizational effectiveness.
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