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Message patterns through discourse analysis on the concept of apology and forgiveness during Ramadan among college students practicing Islam
Jason V. Chavez
Research Operations Office, Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University
Jhordan T. Cuilan
Department of English, Benguet State University
Haydee G. Adalia
College of Liberal Arts, Western Mindanao State University
Keywords: communication, apologizing, forgiveness, Islamic beliefs, Ramadan
Cultural values, beliefs, and traditions can significantly influence communication patterns related to seeking forgiveness. Within the context of Islam, apologizing during Ramadan is widely regarded as an integral part of religious practices. The significance of apologizing during Ramadan is observed among various Muslim communities, such as in Indonesia and the Philippines. The study aimed to explore how cultural values and religious teachings shape the perception and practice of apology among individuals during the holy month of Ramadan in the Philippines. The research employed a purposive sampling technique, selecting 16 college students who provided valuable insights into the message patterns surrounding apology and forgiveness within their cultural and religious context. The findings highlighted the enduring relevance of cultural and religious beliefs in shaping apology and forgiveness practices, even in the face of modern systems. Despite societal changes, the concept of apology based on cultural and religious values remained significant and remarkable among young Muslim individuals. Cultural and religious beliefs emphasized the importance of maintaining positive relationships with family, friends, relatives, and neighbors through seeking forgiveness and expressing apologies. The study contributed to the existing literature on forgiveness and cultural studies, providing insights into the interplay between cultural values, religious teachings, and apology practices during Ramadan.
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