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Psychological resilience and emotional self-regulation of higher vocational college students
Zilin Mei
International College, Krirk University
Changjun Liao
International College, Krirk University
Keywords: higher vocational college students, psychological resilience, emotional self-regulation
Vocational college students are facing the contradiction of coordinated physical and mental development, as well as the pressure of learning development and social expectations. Many high school students have poor emotions, and the difficulty in regulating emotions is closely related to their mental health. This article uses the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) to measure individuals’ positive psychological qualities in adapting to adversity, in order to study the psychological resilience and emotional self-regulation strategies of vocational college students. This study investigated the psychological resilience (PR) and emotional self-regulation (ESR) styles of high school students using different scales. In addition, correlation and regression studies were conducted on stress perception, PR, positive emotions, and mental health. The results indicate that vocational college students have a moderate level of public relations, and they are more inclined to use cognitive reevaluation as ESR. The PR of HVC students is positively and negatively correlated with positive and negative emotions, respectively. The PR of HVC students is positively correlated with cognitive reappraisal and negatively correlated with expression inhibition. There is no significant relationship between stress and its factors and expression inhibition.
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