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Interplay of entrepreneurial failure experience, entrepreneurial resilience, and re-entrepreneurship performance: Evidence from China
Yihang Lyu
Dhurakij Pundit University
Keywords: failure experience, entrepreneurial resilience, re-entrepreneurship performance
In the 21st-century global economy, entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic development, innovation, and job opportunities. This paper aims to analyze the impact of entrepreneurial failure experiences on re-entrepreneurship performance and the mediating role of entrepreneurial resilience.This study employs a quantitative approach, collecting 451 valid questionnaires in various regions of China. Data analysis includes regression and mediation analysis.Entrepreneurial failure experiences positively influence re-entrepreneurship performance, as they trigger entrepreneurial resilience. Resilience enables entrepreneurs to recover from failure, promoting personal growth and subsequent success.This research uncovers the positive effects of entrepreneurial failure experiences on re-entrepreneurship performance and highlights the role of entrepreneurial resilience. These findings inform entrepreneurial processes, enhance success rates, and guide policy-making. Future research should consider additional mediators and adopt a multidisciplinary approach for a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurial failure’s impact.
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