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Acceptance of educational robotics: Evolution and validation of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology via structural equation modeling
Silvia Di Battista
Department of Human Sciences, Marconi University
Monica Pivetti
Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Bergamo
Michele Moro
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova
Emanuele Menegatti
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova
Andrea Greco
Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Bergamo
Keywords: UTAUT, STEM, Almere model, educational robotics, acceptance, structural equation modeling
Fully understanding factors that are related to teachers’ behavioural intentions to use and acceptance of Educational Robotics (ER) in their classes, particularly among students with disabilities, is a big challenge. In particular, social psychology models may be used more consistently to inform scholars about the paths and the strength of interrelated factors influencing learning support teachers’ acceptance of ER. In this study, the Almere model, an evolution and adaptation of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as used in Conti and colleagues was validated. The model is directed to measure acceptance of ER in a sample of 319 learning support teachers via structural equation modeling. Results showed a model explaining a good percentage of variance. In the learning support teachers’ intentions to use ER with students with disabilities, positive and direct effects were exerted by teachers’ positive attitudes toward robotics, and by their perception of the enjoyment and usefulness of robotics. Furthermore, results showed that perception of enjoyment in using ER was strongly and positively associated with perceived sociability and this, in turn, was positively associated with levels of trust. Finally, perceived sociability was positively associated with social presence perceptions.
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