Confidence of implementation of new BSND curriculum among program administrators and faculty
Vol 9, Issue 6, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 453 (Abstract) 151 (PDF)
The curriculum has been developed and implemented in accordance with the regulatory guidelines set by the Commission on Higher Education. This ensures that the education provided to students in the field of nutrition and dietetics meets the expected standards and quality benchmarks, ultimately benefiting the students and the field. The purpose of this study was to assess the confidence of implementation of the new nutrition and dietetics curriculum as evaluated by the program administrators and the faculty. The program administrators (n = 5) and faculty (n = 37) were taken from 4 randomly sampled higher education institution in Mindanao, Philippines. There were 7 metrics developed in this study used to evaluate the confidence of the participants based on the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memo Order No. 14, series of 2017. The participants were highly confident that the new curriculum adhered to the mandates stipulated in the order. Among the 7 metrics, the participants were highly confident on the curriculum instruction and admission of students while improvements shall be done on facilities and library resources. The findings have important impacts on higher education as it highlighted the necessary areas to be improved and focused. Professional development also mediated the confidence of the participants showing those with higher education, i.e., master’s and doctorate level, were more confident on instruction, faculty, internship, admission, and facilities available in the new curriculum. The confidence of the participants evaluated the status of the implementation indicating positive direction and further development of facilities and academic resources.
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