Impact of empathic skills to social intelligence
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2023, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 454 (Abstract) 367 (PDF)
Introduction: Empathy, or being empathetic, is the meaning of the inner framework of others with the precision and the emotional component and understanding the other was a person, but never lost; as a state. Being empathic, also known as comprehending another’ inner workings precisely and emotionally, and realizing that the other person was once a person but is now a state. Social intelligence is the ability to understand and manage people. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the knowledge that nursing students and students carry about empathic skills and social intelligence. Methods: This research is descriptive and quantitative. It is cross-sectional research. The Empathy quotient (EQ) questionnaire is used to measure empirical skills. The questionnaire Messi Methodology was used to measure social intelligence. The study involved a participant pool of 150 individuals. Results and discussion: From the findings through the correlation analysis, there has been a positive correlation between empathic skills and social intelligence with r = 0.301 and p = 0.010 *. The model explains 12% of variance and is significant with p = 0.028, where from the three explanatory factors only social intelligence with p = is significant 0.007 **, while gender and age do not appear to be significant explanations for empathic skills. Research findings show that there is a link between empathic skills and social intelligence where our first hypothesis is confirmed. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study highlights the necessity to differentiate between different types of empathy while confirming the robust correlation between social intelligence and empathy. It refutes the notion that empathy varies with age by showing constant values throughout the age spectrum. Despite the fact that gender was not a significant effect, this highlights the significance of recognizing gender differences in empathic abilities.
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