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Shaping e-waste recycling intentions through psychological motivation: An integrated study of the theory of planned behavior and the theory of Value-Belief-Norm

Yu Xiang, Aweewan Mangmeechai

Article ID: 2180
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 493 (Abstract) 195 (PDF)


This study analyzes the influencing factors of residents’ intention to participate in e-waste recycling behavior with the help of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) model. On the basis of factor analysis, through correlation analysis and regression analysis, this paper conducts an empirical study on the influencing factors of residents’ intention to participate in e-waste recycling behavior, revealing the formation mechanism of residents’ intention to participate in e-waste recycling behavior. The results show that Values, Awareness of consequences, Ascription of responsibility, Behavior attitude, Perceived behavior control and Personal norm are the main factors that affect residents’ participation in e-waste recycling behavior, and the impact of perceived behavior control is the most significant. The research results can help understand the formation mechanism and implementation process of residents’ e-waste recycling behavior intention, predict the possibility of residents’ participation in e-waste recycling behavior in the future, and provide some reference and inspiration for the research of residents’ participation in e-waste recycling behavior in China. In addition, we can essentially understand the reasons for the low recovery rate of e-waste and the lack of scale, and provide reference for the government and relevant departments to formulate corresponding policies and enterprises to establish a standardized recovery system.


electronic waste; theory of planned behavior; Value-Belief-Norm theory; psychological motivation

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