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Psychological and economic self-sufficiency among low-income jobseekers with physical disability barriers

Philip Young P. Hong, Haley Stokar, Sangmi Choi

Article ID: 22
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2016, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1741 (Abstract) 726 (PDF)


The purpose of this research is to investigate the process of psychological empowerment by way of examining the effects of perceived employment barrier on employment hope, and employment hope on economic self-sufficiency. A structural equation modeling analysis was used with a sample of 517 participants in a job readiness program of a community-based social service organization in Chicago. Results indicate that employment hope mediates the path between perceived barriers and economic self-sufficiency. Findings provide preliminary evidence to support an empowerment-based approach to rehabilitation, promoting self-sufficiency among people with physical disabilities using interventions that address employment barriers and employment hope.


disability; self-sufficiency; employment barriers; employment hope; low-income

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