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Violence against women index in Peru

José Calizaya-López, Ana Miaury-Vilca, Yaneth Aleman-Vilca, Hilda Pinto-Pomareda, Merly Lazo-Manrique, Teresa Yañez-Fernandez, Yenny Asillo-Apaza

Article ID: 2205
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 502 (Abstract) 331 (PDF)


The Violence Against Women Index is a measure that evaluates the evolution of violence in a given context to understand the severity of the problem, which is a public health issue. Objective: This study aimed to measure the violence against women index in Peru according to sociodemographic variables. Method: The study was descriptive, comparative, quantitative, and cross-sectional; 1565 women who had experienced violence participated and were intentionally sampled. A validated measurement instrument was used to assess the rate of violence against women. Results: A moderate level (54.1%) of violence against women was found with a tendency to increase severely (33.7%, significant indices). In addition, differences were found in the index of violence according to sociodemographic variables of women (p < 0.05). Conclusion: violence does not distinguish women from being victims because of their social, family, economic, educational, cultural, or residential status; however, there is a greater probability of severe violence in adult women with a low level of education.


violence index; women; psychological violence; physical; sexual violence

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Copyright (c) 2024 José Calizaya-López, Ana Miaury-Vilca, Yaneth Aleman-Vilca, Hilda Pinto-Pomareda, Merly Lazo-Manrique, Teresa Yañez-Fernandez, Yenny Asillo-Apaza

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