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Ternary interactive determinism: A narrative review on the problems and innovation paths of college students’ mental health education

Chen Chen, Hue San Kuay, Yee Cheng Kueh, Chao Liu

Article ID: 2224
Vol 9, Issue 3, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 275 (Abstract) 161 (PDF)


These days, psychological problems among college students are increasingly prominent due to various factors. It is crucial for colleges to improve and innovate the working mode of mental health education to promote the healthy development of college students’ body and mind. Based on ternary interactive determinism of human’s internal factors, behavior and environment, this study creatively combines the environmental atmosphere, personality characteristics and behavior habits of contemporary college students organically, analyses the existing deficiencies in the construction of the current psychological education system from these three perspectives deeply, and puts forward practical paths for the innovation of the psychological education system in colleges.


ternary interaction determinism; college students; mental health education

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