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Uskudar Emotional Wisdom Scale (USEWS) validity and reliability studies and examining psychometric properties

Nevzat Tarhan, Aylin Tutgun Ünal

Article ID: 2353
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 534 (Abstract) 207 (PDF)


Without emotions, people cannot express themselves. In our age, Wisdom Psychology has gained importance as a methodology that reveals the importance of meaning and inquiry skills. It is evident that emotions should be reconsidered from a multidimensional existential perspective. Emotional Wisdom brought about the questioning of some new skills and created the need for a new measurement tool to obtain concrete data. In this study, it was aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure emotional wisdom and to contribute to the related literature by performing its first psychometric analysis. Quantitative methodology was used in this study. The research sample consisted of 1300 volunteer participants from across Turkey. As a result of the validity and reliability studies, a 6-factor scale named Uskudar Emotional Wisdom Scale (USEWS) emerged. The internal consistency reliability coefficient Cronbach Alpha value of the scale, which explained 51.87% of the total variance, was found to be .88. Confirmatory factor analysis of the scale resulted in acceptable goodness-of-fit values. In the criterion validity study, it was found to be related to the Revised Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (r=.60). In the first psychometric examinations conducted with effect analyzes, men’s emotional wisdom scores were found to be high and of medium effect (d=0.38; >0.2<0.5).


emotional intelligence; emotional wisdom; positive psychology; validity and reliability

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