How psychological factors influence hosts to participate in the accommodation sharing economy: A systematic review
Vol 9, Issue 6, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 730 (Abstract) 191 (PDF)
This research study investigated the impact of psychological factors on hosts within the accommodation sharing economy. Specifically, the study aimed to explore how psychological factors motivate individuals to become hosts and actively engage in this sector. Through a systematic review, the paper identified relevant articles in electronic databases such as Web of Science, Science Direct, EBSCOhost, and Scopus from 2000 to 2023, following the PICo model (Population, Interest, Context) to determine the review question. From an initial pool of 555 records, a comprehensive screening for eligibility resulted in the inclusion of three studies for this systematic review. The research applied rigorous reference control and evaluated the quality of included studies using the CASP tool (Critical Appraisal Skills Program). Among the three studies meeting the review criteria, socialization emerged as the primary research focus. Drawing on self-determination theory, the research demonstrates that social interaction and the formation of friendships between hosts and guests positively impact individuals' decisions to become hosts. Furthermore, aspects such as personal development, social interaction with guests, and a sense of achievement contribute to sustained participation. The study underscores the correlation between emotional stress and guest reviews, emphasizing hosts' motivation to enhance services. Additionally, the research identifies emotional and social loneliness as obstacles to host participation in the sharing economy, highlighting the crucial role of social interactions in alleviating loneliness for both hosts and guests.
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