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Identifying distinctions in the perception of fast food and sport shoes brands by children and adolescents based on the brand meaning model

Marina Tsoy, Vladislav Shchekoldin

Article ID: 2428
Vol 9, Issue 6, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 423 (Abstract) 216 (PDF)


The article makes an effort to evaluate the influence of a brand meaning on the perception of popular products by children and adolescents on the example of junk food and sport shoes. The study involved 703 pupils of secondary schools from 11 to 18 years old. The proposed approach is based on the use of the Saaty's method, which allows to assess the influence of different factors on the perception of brands by children and adolescents and to determine the distinctions in their perception of brands of various types of products. Based on the analysis, a hierarchical structure of brand perception by children was built. It includes the brand awareness, brand logo recognition, consumer impression of brand advertising. The weighting coefficients of the hierarchical model for fast food and sport shoe brands were estimated and the results were compared, distinctions and similarities were identified in the perception of brands of various types of goods by children and adolescents. For fast food brands, perception of brand quality plays a major role, whilst for sport shoe the brand attractiveness is the most important factor.


brand; perception; brand meaning; children marketing; Saaty's method

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