The development and psychometric analysis of Uskudar family perception and attitudes scale
Vol 9, Issue 6, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 328 (Abstract) 208 (PDF)
Today, the increasing use of digital media transforms relationships, family perceptions and attitudes. This situation poses a risk to the family institution and children. In this context, measurement tools aimed at determining family perceptions and attitudes should be reconsidered in current studies. The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool that can measure family perceptions and attitudes dimensionally. The sample of the research consisted of 495 participants in Turkey. As a result of the study, 3-dimensional (Family concept, Fears affecting relationships, Individualization and freedom) and 20-item Uskudar Family Perception and Attitudes Scale (USFPAS) was developed. The scale explained 51.18% of the total variance. The Cronbach Alpha value of the scale was found to be .75. In the modeling and confirmatory factor analysis study, goodness of fit values was found to be in acceptable range. According to the results of psychometric analysis: (1) Women have higher fears that affect family relationships than men, (2) As daily social media use increases, the level of individualization and freedom increases, and family perception and attitude levels decrease, (3) Those who have children have higher fears that affect relationships than those who do not, and their perceptions of individualization and freedom are lower. The valid and reliable scale developed in this research will provide concrete data to the literature.
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